Special thanks to our Season Sponsor:

The Foreplay: An Exploration of the Birth of Our Nation

Written and Directed by Michael Knight

Thomas Jefferson — Adam DelMedico

James Madison — Zachrey York

George Mason — Isaac Bannasch

George Washington — Gregg Baker Jr.

Swing (Washington/Mason) — Meaghan Fenner

Swing (Jefferson/Madison) — J.M. Rousseau

Stage Manager — Meghan Knight

Producer, Lights and Sound Design — Michael Knight

Director’s Note

Happy Almost Fourth of July friends! What a journey this particular script has been on. When I wrote this script, it was 2016. Early 2016, like January. At that time, these were just jokes. I had been inspired by the concept that on the news, they were arguing the second amendment. And I thought “things have changed so much: Our day to day life, technology, the concept of ‘distance’ and ‘time’ in the internet age. And what we have now cannot possibly have been foreseen by the guys who wrote that amendment, yet they still wrote it and we still use it.” I didn’t even think it needed to be changed or eliminated; I just thought: We have to figure out how to interpret it for our modern world. And that led to a rabbit hole Making jokes about the rest of the Amendments, about 6 of which I had never even thought or known about! And again, it was all for lighthearted humor and a little social commentary. In the 8 years since the script was written… well. The jokes have become less jokey. The issues have become more issuey. Things I said for a “bit” have come to actual fruition. Which is why I believe that this script is more necessary now than ever. We are all so busy being pissed off we aren’t taking time to think OR laugh. The script has been updated to address a few more things that need to be talked about and most of all JOKED about. We go further into due process of law, cruel and unusual punishment, and of course a THOROUGH comedic examination of states rights. That’s the beauty part of this script AND the constitution— As the country changes, these documents can and should change. And that’s what we want you to take from this iteration, the idea that the bill of rights was created to give us the ability to change the constitution and to remember that we can, and that our founding fathers were wonderful, flawed, real human beings truly trying their best for all of us, not the Gods that we so often elevate them to. 

So tonight, take a breath, definitely have a drink, and just open your mind to hearing some stuff and most of all to LAUGH at the ridiculousness of American politics. Don’t be scared. Give a guffaw. That’s why you’re here. 

-Michael Knight, Writer and Director

Special thanks to The Abbey, Toni Chandler, Julia Thompson, Katie Bannasch

This project is funded in part by Orange County Government through the Arts & Cultural Affairs Program.

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We are delighted to offer exclusive naming opportunities that provide lasting recognition for your support.

A huge thank you to our donors!

Shannon Hoagland

Christy Folk

Cheryl Cox

Isaac Bannasch

Harris Cauler

Celeste Brown

Alina Alcantara

Angela Rojas-Watson

Carolyn Tran

Kaitlin Owens

Katie Johnson

Kay-Lyn Yohman

Lisa Apikos

Lorraine Visco

Raquel Kadin

Tiffany Bishop